Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well it's Thanksgiving Day here in the States and we’re celebrating our first one together. So, as cheesy as it is, we thought we would take the time to make a new blog post (finally!) and give a bit of thanks on this holiday.

First, we would like to say that we’re thankful for our family and friends. Our families are the ones who have had the most influence in shaping the people that we are today. They’ve stood by us through the hardest parts of our lives and helped out when we needed it. Our friends have given us a lot of enjoyment over the years, and some of them have become almost like family to us.

Second, and most important, we’re thankful to have had each other in our lives over the past year. We celebrated one year together back in October, and what a year it has been. We both agree that this is the happiest and most content we’ve ever been in our lives. Our relationship gets stronger and deeper by the day and we are still getting to know each other. We still surprise each other with some little tidbit of previously unrevealed information now and then; it’s unlikely that we’ll ever know everything there is about each other. We honestly can't imagine life without one another ever again.

As a final note, we’re going to try to start updating this blog regularly again. We still have a lot we’d like to talk about, so hopefully you’ll be seeing something from us again soon.